
Treat yourself with Reiki every day. It is like charging your batteries. Always give a full body treatment first (each position must be treated from 3-5 minute, with the full treatment lasting about 11/2 hours) and then treat the local area where the problem is for about 10-20 minutes. For the elderly, the sick and children begin with the full treatment lasting only for about 20-30 minutes. Reiki travels through blankets covering, clothes, bandages, plasters, etc.
During treatment, be in a comfortable position, in peaceful surrounding with Reiki or soft instrument music playing in the background.
To begin treatment always give four treatments spread over four days. For acute and/or chronic cases the treatment should last for at least 21 days.

Points to note before treating a patient:

-          Lighten up the atmosphere and energize the room with an incense stick,
-          Remove your watch and jewelry as well as those of the patients.
-          Take your shoes off and wear comfortable clothes.
-          Wash your hands before and after treatment.
-          Remove belts and ties (and anything that impedes the flow of energy)
-          Do not cross hands or legs.
-          Always cup your hands when administering Reiki
-          It is not necessary that one’s hands always get warm when treating a patient. Reiki will work whether one’s hands get warm or not.
-          Reiki can be combined with yoga, meditation etc.
-          Reiki can never cause harm, is not dangerous and is always there.
-          The more Reiki one uses the more it increases.
-          Reiki is especially helpful before and after surgery.