Treatment with ‘Reiki’: A Ready Reference

For ordinary diseases give treatment for 3 days. For chronic disease give treatment for 21 days. Duration of time in each part is 3 minutes (minimum). Always give full Reiki and then treat affected areas. During emergency treat the affected areas first. If you don’t have time to give full Reiki, give...

Distant healing techniques through Reiki

There are many ways to use the distant healing symbol. Here are a few: Use picture of the person. Draw the distant healing symbol, mental/emotional symbol and power symbol on the back of the picture, with a pen. Write the person’s name. Then place the picture in front of you and beam Reiki to...

The Beaming Reiki Masters

This picture was taken at a Reiki III Class in Toledo, Ohio. The class members used the distant, symbol and projected the Reiki power symbol into the camera, intending that all who see the resultant picture would receive Reiki energy. Clairvoyant observation indicates that Reiki energy comes directly...