participants with the opportunity to attune to higher levels of Reiki energy. The
initiation of the second degree also attunes a person to power keys or symbols,
which are used at this level to perform absentee healing and stronger form of
mental/emotional healing.
second degree intensifies the effects of your treatment, heals using the mental
methods, carries out absentee healing (i.e. you will able to heal without the
need to maintain direct bodily contact).
degree Reiki grants you greater flexibility while increasing the effectiveness of
treatment to a considerable event. As the second degree activates another level
of energy you will again experience a 21 day cleansing period, similar to the
one experienced in connection the first degree, as your body and different energy
centers adjust to an even finer level of vibration.
in the second degree, the energy is drawn by the ‘healee’ not sent by the ‘healer’.
With keys, the practitioner actually forms a ‘bridge’ between himself and the
healee, so that the energy can be drawn as needed.