The Five Principles of Reiki:

The Five Principles of Reiki:

  1. Just for today I will live the Attitude of Gratitude
Always feel thankful for what we have, as well as for what we know, will be constantly be provided. Our normal state is that of self sufficiency or abundance. By living in gratitude, one can shift from the vicious circle of lack, to the virtuous circle of abundance.

  1. Just for today I will not worry
Worry results from feelings of separateness from the universal wholeness. Try not to interfere with the universal timing of life. Live each day to the best of your ability and the rest will be taken care of.

  1. Just for today I will not anger
Anger is a result of feeling out of control. When you get angry, become aware of your reactions and also feel thankful for having got an opportunity to look at your weakness. Do not feel quality for experiencing anger. Be in the attitude of gratitude and just for today, do not anger.

  1. Just for today I will do my work honestly
To be honest with oneself is to face truth in all things. Truth brings clarity. Honesty with your self will project honesty on to others.

  1. Just for today I will show love and respect for every living thing.
We are all of one source and are interdependent. To show love and respect to all others is to love and respect ourselves and our mother earth.